My Creative Blog + MegaCreative

Spring Things {Scotts Snap Spreader System}

This post brought to you by Scotts®. All opinions are 100% mine.

Apparently the weather isn't aware that we're in the middle of our Spring Things series. It feels like winter here in Bucks County! Since we're all about keeping it real, I'm going to make a confession. My lawn is atrocious! When we first built our house the builder seeded our lawn in December (Grr), so we've been working hard to get it growing and green!

Check this out… not the lush yard I had in mind!

Last week we called out a professional lawn company to get their advice, and after getting a whopping quote, we decided we could do it on our own, we just needed the right tools! Enter Scotts® Snap® Spreader System!

This system rocks! It's so simple, even I could be in charge of the lawn-improvement-plan! The Snap packs connect directly to the spreader so I'm not pouring fertilizer all over my driveway (umm… not that I've done that before-lol!)

Last week we started off the process with the Scotts Crabgrass Preventer. I'm pretty sure that my entire lawn was crabgrass last year, so I'm pretty excited to get rid of it! I need a lush lawn to go with my NEW door color!

I'll keep you posted on how my lawn-improvement-plan is coming along, but in the meantime, Scotts has an awesome contest going. LIKE Snap perks on Facebook and you could win tickets to the All-Star Game! Woo! Hoo!

Okay, so be honest… how many of you have a lawn that needs some Scotts Snap Spreader help?

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Spring Things {Scotts Snap Spreader System} + MegaCreative