My Creative Blog + pattern

Family Room Update {AKA What ever happened to those stenciled wall panels?}

You might have noticed that once in a while we start a project here on the blog and then pretty much never mention it again… leaving you hanging. Sorta like the awesome guy on a date that never calls again. We don't want to be"that guy," so today I'm doing a little blast from the past update! Remember my family room last January? I was getting ready to stencil some wall panels…

So I painted them and then decided they just weren't working. Far too much going on…

Since I loved the stencil pattern (just not on that wall), I used it on my outdoor rug!

BUT… I left ya hanging with my family room! What happened to the walls?

Here's what we've got going on now… I had these two pieces of art in my completely mishmashed piano/craft room, and thought the colors would work in the family room. It took me a few weeks to decide if they worked or not, but I decided I think they do.

Let me be honest with you for a second… I HATE decorating around my TV! (Although, I am thankful for the TV) I'm constantly grumbling about it in my head. There's only so much you can do around it and to be really honest, I sort of just put together semi-lame mantles because of it. At least I have Jess' super awesome mantles to drool over!

Even with my semi-lame mantles, I usually manage to find one or two things that I like… This season my light-bulb-meets-lantern is enough to keep me happy!

So, as of right now, my family room is feeling 95% finished. I'm pretty sure that as a mom of four kids, I'm never going to get to 100% and I think I'm okay with that. We play soccer, make Wipeout obstacle courses, and of course make cool forts in there all the time. I never want my design plans to get in the way of that! So what do you think of the family room walls? Think the art works alright?

art, Craft, CreativeBro, and more:

Family Room Update {AKA What ever happened to those stenciled wall panels?} + pattern