My Creative Blog + TrueCreative

You Should Know About This

In talking to a few of my friends, I realized that the majority of them had NEVER heard of GroopDealz, which is just wrong. This is not just another social group coupon site, like Groupon or Living Social. While I've used those sites for cheap tickets and activities, which is awesome, GroopDealz is a whole different ball game. GroopDealz was started by a group of women from Utah who wanted to help other Stay-At-Home-Moms make money during the recession. Basically, they feature one deal a day, based on your geographical area, that is handmade and unique- they often have Etsy stores offering deals at 40-90% off! If you haven't heard of Etsy, then shame on you. (Stop everything, and go there right now. You can thank me later.) You'll receive deals on jewelry, hair bands and bows, knit hats, home decor, accessories, vinyl and so much more! This is such a great way to buy unique gifts for friends, family or yourself, at a huge discount.

Just a sampling of some of the items offered through GroopDealz… 

I missed this deal, but I SO wish I had bought one, or two, or fourteen of these for my daughter. Adorable!
Click here to get started on GroopDealz, and let the fun begin!
Happy Monday, and Happy Shopping!; )

art, Deals, Design, Home, Life, and more:

You Should Know About This + TrueCreative