My Creative Blog + SuperCreative

2013 Blog Reader Survey!

We're in a bit of a transition phase here at EC2. If you didn't hear the news, we were signed for another TWO seasons of Knock It Off (woohoo!!) and we also want to grow the blog and get better at managing our day job (TV host) and authoring the best blog possible. Hiring new peeps (like Diana) onto the EC2 team was one of the first steps on our to do list. The second order of business is hearing from YOU! We want to know about you, know what you like about this blog, know what you want more of, less of, etc… So, Do tell!!

Thanks so much guys for all your input- We LOVE learning more about our readers!! We'll be sharing our results next Friday!!
We have to thank Jones Design Company for some of the question ideas. Emily did a reader survey and we loved many of her questions, so we borrowed some!

To take the survey, just scroll through the questions and click submit at the end.


and more:

2013 Blog Reader Survey! + SuperCreative