My Creative Blog + TrueCreative

Monumental Event! (Well, okay…not really)

Tonight was the very first night we used our dining room table! I have been super excited to host our first big dinner and this rainy Wednesday night was the perfect opportunity! If you haven't heard about our massive table, check it out here. So, as you know, Eric and I put a big emphasis on being intentional with our friends and we believe big time in authentic relationships. So, tonight was dinner at our place for 27 people (kids and adults). Here's our pretty lil' table before dinner…

And let me tell you it looked nothing like that tonight. The table hasn't been fully sealed yet, so we needed to protect the wood. We covered it in thick plastic and then got a tablecloth… or 3! Umm… guess we're going to need some custom sized tablecloths! We had a Christmas one, a country one, and a fall one. The good thing is that our friends are no frills and they loved it!

We had 14 adult seats and put all the kids in the breakfast room. It was awesome to all be together and all fit so easily. It made me one happy girl! I wanted a few"first supper" pictures, and apparently my husband did too… UGH

Well, at least I have some fun memories of our"first supper" and Eric has a nice bruise on his arm because I may or may not have punched him when I saw these pics!
We've been super excited to have had our table post featured on some super cool blogs, and tonight I'm linking up to this cool challenge.

Some of our favorite bloggers challenged readers not to just look on Pinterest, but to actually do something! I spent oodles of time on Pinterest searching and planning before making our table, so I'm linking us up. If you've worked on something link it up, or get busy and make something in the next five days!
To join in on the fun, check out the Pinterest Challenge Link Up details.
Ok, now I need to go do some dishes… 27 people are wonderful, but not mess-free that's for sure! Don't forget to start thinking of how you could enter to win tickets to The Nate Show with us. We have such a fun day planned in the Big Apple!

art, and more:

Monumental Event! (Well, okay…not really) + TrueCreative