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I-Can't-Believe-This! Finds

Have you ever been somewhere and found the absolute perfect decoration, gift, clothing item etc? You just KNEW it was exactly the right match? For me, these times are far and few between, but as I've stumbled upon developed my sense of style and a direction for our home, I've been a bit more successful since I know how I want the rooms to evolve. Monica mentioned the barn sale we went to yesterday, and it was awesome. However, I won't spend any more time boring you with details about it, but I will tell you this: I didn't know what I was looking for. This, my friends, is dangerous. Especially since there were, literally, thousands of items just waiting to be repurposed into something fabulous. Luckily, for me, I found an item that is PERFECT for my living room.

See that vintage suitcase? Yup, that's her. When I picked her up at the sale, my original thought was to stack her with a few other vintage suitcases in my fireplace, since we don't use it at all. Something that looked sort of like this:

Source: via April on Pinterest

But, alas, my suitcase didn't fit in our tiny fireplace opening, which meant stacking three suitcases was definitely not happening. My hubs, brilliant man that he is, suggested putting it next to my statement piece under the basket I'm temporarily using to hold a throw blanket.

Great thought, hun! I love it, and like I've been saying all along, looks like it was meant to be there. The light gray-blue stripes and dark brown leather on the suitcase match the wall color, and the legs of my favorite chair as if they were long-lost twins. {Sigh}

I've been fortunate enough to have a few other lovelies in my living room that are perfect accessories for the room. Piece of evidence #1:

This pillow was found at Home Goods in January, and again, I wasn't looking for something like this at all, but it works!

No matter how hard I try, I can almost NEVER get a shot of my house without a) one of my two children, or b) toys in my pictures. It's just a phase (and by that, I mean the toys! Not my kids!: )

See? Random lanterns are not rare in this house. No sir.

Piece of Evidence #2: I also found a pair of these paisley pillows at Home Goods on the same day. I saw them just as another woman picked them up. I couldn't believe my bad luck that they were EXACTLY right for my house, but I was a minute too late! My mom and I discreetly followed her around the store for awhile, and lo and behold, she put them back! I cheered and jumped for joy nonchalantly walked over to them and grabbed them for myself. Score!

Finding these pretties rank high on my happiness scale, right up there with birthing my babies and marrying my husband. (Don't you dare judge me.: )
So, fill me in, is there an item that was made for you and your home? I'm secretly crossing my fingers, hoping that I'm not the only one.

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I-Can't-Believe-This! Finds + TrueCreative