My Creative Blog + TrueCreative

Gallery Walls {We Love Them}

It's no secret that I LOVE photos… I actually need to make a conscious effort to decorate with anything other than pictures of my family. Jess and I thought we'd share our gallery walls today and then some amazing ones we've found along the way.

These are OLD pictures from my very first gallery wall in our last house. I ran to Walmart, bought oodles of frames and just started nailing and measuring. This is not how I would recommend putting up a gallery wall. I was crazy lucky that this worked out and I didn't make one wrong nail hole. I'm still not quite sure how that happened!

Sorry, these weren't taken as"blog worthy" pics!
In the new house, I knew that a top priority was to create another gallery wall. I had it up on the wall within three weeks of moving in. Score! BUT… I've yet to switch out any of the pictures, so they're all facing the wrong directions! It's amazing how long you can live with some things without fixing them.

I added a few larger frames and still went with a fairly linear layout. What do you think of the one yellow frame? It's just a fun little play off of the little bird on the table and on the fabric on the chair. (Please ignore the crooked red frame… life with 4 kids!)

Please notice the sideways pictures, the mats that should be removed, and the crooked frames. I'm keeping it real and showing you what it really looks like most days. One day in the next few months very soon I'll get new pictures printed. For now, the kids just think it's funny.

Even though Jess is on vacation in Maine this week, I got her to share a little bit about her gallery wall…
My gallery wall is in process, but here's what I have so far! Things to do: 1. Paint frames so they're all the same color, 2. Change out mat and picture in the large frame, 3. Put something in empty frame at top.

My favorite picture from the gallery wall- a recent gift from my husband! ~~~~~~
There are so many amazing gallery wall ideas out there in blogland… Here are a few that I really love.
House of Smith's awesome colorful wall

Source: via Monica on Pinterest
This wall is SO ME! Grey walls, clean lines, black & white pictures (and man, that's one looong hallway)
Source: via Monica on Pinterest

Source: via Monica on Pinterest
I love the accent lighting and the combination of sizes in this arrangement (Jess would love the baskets and bench)

Source: via Monica on Pinterest
We love The Lettered Cottage, and we love their gallery wall too!

Source: via Monica on Pinterest
This isn't my style, but I like how they used frames in unique ways and incorporated other items.

Source: via Monica on Pinterest
This is fun and whimsical. I love the use of paint to frame out the layout

Source: via Monica on Pinterest
So, do tell… do you have a gallery wall? do you want one?
I'm planning to add another gallery over our piano, so stay tuned for some DIY tips and a step-by-step post coming soon!

P.S. Don't forget that you can still enter to win a Blosoom Band! Check out yesterday's post for all the details! The winner will be announced Friday morning!

art, Fabric, print, and more:

Gallery Walls {We Love Them} + TrueCreative