This is a Fab Friday for sure!! We're excited to announce the winner of the Blossom Bands giveaway… Drumroll please…

Kelli B!!! Just shoot us an email at and we'll put you in contact with Bethany at Blossom Bands. Thanks to everyone that entered, and if you didn't win, be sure to watch the BB Facebook page for deals and specials, so you can buy some for your little lady!
If you follow us on Facebook, you'll know why Jess and I got very little sleep the past few nights… we're REALLY excited and hope to make a formal blog annoucement on Monday. If you want to be"in the know," head over to Facebook to find out!
Now, onto today's Fab Find… and looky here… we made this fab find! Pinterest Tutorial We're LOVING pinterest, and know many of you are wondering what it's all about. We've made a little video letting you know why you would want to use Pinterest and how it works! Enjoy!
Have a Wonderful weekend and stay tuned for our
BIG BLOG annoucement on Monday!

Linking up to: Tatortots and Jello